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Change transaction process in Sharetribe Web Template

This guide describes how to customize Sharetribe Web Template to use a new transaction process.

Table of Contents

Sharetribe Web Template defines three transaction processes by default:

  • daily, nightly, and hourly bookings use the default-booking process,
  • product sales use the default-purchase process, and
  • inquiries use the default-inquiry process.

The template is created to support states and transitions defined in those processes.

How the transaction process works underneath the Marketplace API depends on how your process is customised in our backend. To customise the transaction process in the backend, you should use Sharetribe CLI. See the Getting started with Sharetribe CLI tutorial to get familiar with the tool.

If you have changed the transaction process in your marketplace, or added a new one to use in parallel with the existing ones, you should check if your client app needs to be updated to match this different transaction process. You can read more about how these processes work from a background info article about the transaction process.

The following guide will help you to customise the process flow in the template to match the process in our backend.

1. Add the new transaction process configuration

The src/config/configListing.js file lists the listing types actively used by the template, as well as the transaction processes related to those types. You need to add a configuration for a new transaction process. You can either comment out the previous active process definitions (if you only want to use the new process) or leave them as they are (if you want to allow using multiple processes in the same application).

    listingType: 'nightly-booking',
    label: 'Nightly booking',
    transactionType: {
      process: 'negotiated-booking',
      alias: 'negotiated-booking/release-1',
      unitType: 'night',

The alias variable should point to the correct alias. You need to check from Console which process and process version your client app should support. All available transaction process aliases can be found in the Build section in Console.

The unitType specifies what kind of units the web app is dealing with. The client template recognises and handles four unit types by default: day, night, hour, and item.

2. Update the relevant files in src/transactions folder

Supported transaction processes are also defined in the files found in src/transactions folder. In all cases, you will need to update the transaction.js file to include your new process definition.

└── src
    └── transactions
        └── transaction.js
// Then names of supported processes
export const PURCHASE_PROCESS_NAME = 'default-purchase';
export const BOOKING_PROCESS_NAME = 'default-booking';
// Add new processes with a descriptive name
export const NEGOTIATION_PROCESS_NAME = 'negotiated-booking';

In addition to updating the process name to your transaction.js file, you will need to make sure the application has an accurate representation of the different transitions and states in your new transaction process. The transitions and states for the existing processes are defined in the transactionProcessBooking.js and transactionProcessPurchase.js files in the same src/transactions folder.

If you are replacing one of the default processes (for instance the default booking process with a new booking process with different transitions and states), you can modify the existing transactionProcessBooking.js file to correspond to the new process. If you are creating a parallel booking process and want to allow providers to choose between two processes for their listings, you will need to create a new transaction process file and import it in transaction.js.

The following instructions specify the steps for modifying the existing transactionProcessBooking.js file, so if you do create a new one, we recommend you replicate the existing default process file and make the necessary changes instead of creating one from scratch.

2.1. Update transitions and states

If the new transaction process has different transitions and states, you should add (or remove) those. Transition names need to map exactly with transitions used in Marketplace API, since transitions are part of queried transaction entities.

2.2. Update state graph to match the new transaction process

State graph description makes it easier to understand how the transaction process works - but even more importantly, it makes it easier to create utility functions which tell you if a transaction has reached a specific state. The description format follows Xstate, which is a Finite State Machine (FSM) library. However, the library is not used since transitions in the actual state machine are handled by Marketplace API.

export const graph = {
  // id is defined only to support Xstate format.
  // However if you have multiple transaction processes defined,
  // it is best to keep them in sync with transaction process aliases.
  id: 'default-booking/release-1',

  // This 'initial' state is a starting point for new transaction
  initial: states.INITIAL,

  // States
  states: {
    [states.INITIAL]: {
      on: {
        [transitions.INQUIRE]: states.INQUIRY,
        [transitions.REQUEST_PAYMENT]: states.PENDING_PAYMENT,
    [states.INQUIRY]: {
      on: {

    [states.PENDING_PAYMENT]: {
      on: {
        [transitions.EXPIRE_PAYMENT]: states.PAYMENT_EXPIRED,
        [transitions.CONFIRM_PAYMENT]: states.PREAUTHORIZED,
    // etc.

When adding a new state, it needs to be added to the states property of graph. Transitions from one state to another are defined in the on property of a state. So, you need to add outbound transitions there and inbound transitions to the on property of the previous state(s).

2.3. Update graph helper functions to match the new process

Since the states and transitions in your state graph description have changed, you will need to review all the helper functions in your transaction process file and adjust them accordingly.

For example, if you have different privileged transitions in your process than the ones in the default process, you will need to update the helper function to feature the correct transitions.

export const isPrivileged = transition => {
  return [

3. Update state data for Inbox Page and Transaction Page

In addition to the transaction process file, there are two other places where transaction process state data is handled: InboxPage and TransactionPage. Both of those containers have files you will need to review.

  └── src
      └── containers
          ├── InboxPage
              ├── InboxPage.stateData.js
              ├── InboxPage.stateDataBooking.js
              └── InboxPage.stateDataPurchase.js
          └── TransactionPage
              ├── TransactionPage.stateData.js
              ├── TransactionPage.stateDataBooking.js
              └── TransactionPage.stateDataPurchase.js

Similarly to the src/transactions folder, you can either modify the existing booking or product file, or you can replicate the existing file into a new one for modifications, depending on your use case.

In both contexts, the ...stateData.js file compiles necessary transaction state information being used on the page. For instance, TransactionPage has an action button, and depending on the transaction state and the user's role in the transaction, the button may be used to accept, mark received, or dispute the transaction.

The ...stateData.js file in turn imports functions from ...stateDataBooking.js and ...stateDataPurchase.js to retrieve the state data corresponding to the correct process.

export const getStateData = params => {
  if (processName === PURCHASE_PROCESS_NAME) {
    return getStateDataForPurchaseProcess(params, processInfo());
  } else if (processName === BOOKING_PROCESS_NAME) {
    return getStateDataForBookingProcess(params, processInfo());
  } else {
    return {};

If you have added a new process name constant besides BOOKING_PROCESS_NAME and PURCHASE_PROCESS_NAME, you will need to import it in ...stateData.js, as well as import the function it needs to use for retrieving state data, so that your Inbox Page and Transaction Page work correctly.

The process specific ...stateData files (e.g. ...stateDataBooking.js) export a getStateDataFor... function, which conditionally resolves the necessary props based on the transaction state and the user role. You will need to check which changes to make in the ConditionalResolver, for example if there are new states that require specific props to be returned to the page based on the state.

If you have created a new stateData file (e.g. InboxPage.stateDataNegotiation.js), you will need to export a uniquely named getStateDataFor... function from that file.

4. Add marketplace text strings

A lot of marketplace text strings in Sharetribe Web Template are transaction process and state specific.

  "InboxPage.default-booking.accepted.status": "Accepted",
  "InboxPage.default-booking.canceled.status": "Canceled",
  "InboxPage.default-booking.declined.status": "Declined",
  "InboxPage.default-booking.delivered.status": "Delivered",

This means that when you create a new transaction process, you will also need to add microcopy for the relevant keys and states in the new process. You can add the process specific keys either into the bundled marketplace text files in the template or through the Sharetribe Console Content tab.

After making the necessary changes in these contexts, your new transaction process should work as expected in the template! Be sure to test all the steps in your transaction process carefully to make sure that all cases show up as you would expect.