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Email templates

Reference documentation for editing built-in or transaction email templates.

Table of Contents

Sharetribe supports customizing the contents of all the emails that are sent from the platform.

The platform sends two types of emails:

  • built-in emails on events like email changed or user joined
  • transaction emails as notifications as part of the transaction process.

The built-in emails can be customized using the Built-in email template editor in the Sharetribe Console. You find the editor in the Console under Build section.

To change the transaction emails, follow the Edit email templates with Sharetribe CLI tutorial.

Best practices

In addition to the basic branding of the emails to follow your marketplace brand and visual guidelines, we recommend that you follow these best practises for email branding to avoid spam folders:

  • Make the email personal, add a starting line with the name of the recipient and other distinct elements like the title of the listing.
  • Add a common footer to the emails with basic information about your marketplace.
  • Currently, the emails sent from the platform are purely notifications on actions in the marketplace, there isn't a way to unsubscribe from these emails, so make sure your users have given consent to receiving these emails when registering to the platform.
  • Design your emails so that they encourage users to navigate to the marketplace and continue the actions there - we don't support e.g. responding to messages in the platform through email.

Sharetribe’s email system handles SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) automatically to improve your email deliverability.


The template language used to build the email templates is called Handlebars.

With Handlebars you get direct access to the HTML that will be sent to your users. The Handlebars template defined by you will be applied to the email context, that contains the data for the email, e.g. recipient name, marketplace name and all the transaction details such as booking dates, line items etc. if the email is related to a transaction. The result of applying the email context to the template is the rendered HTML that will be sent to your users.

Please read through the Handlebars documentation for more information about the templating language.


Sharetribe email templating supports a subset of Handlebars built in helpers.

In addition to the built-in helpers, we have implemented a small set of custom helpers that make e.g. comparisons and number formatting possible.

The helpers may support positional parameters, hash parameters or both.

For example: {{helper param-1 param-2 hash-param=value}}.

Some documentation on the syntax and how to use them can be found in the documentation for Handlebars expressions.

Built-in helpers

We support the following built-in helpers:

  • each
  • with
  • if
  • unless

Have a look at the Handlebars built-in helpers documentation to see examples how to use them.

In addition to those, we also support inline partials.

Custom helpers

This paragraph lists all the custom helpers we provide, including the parameters they take and example how to use them:

Can't find a helper you are looking for? Let us know!



  • message key
  • fallback message


  • list of hash parameters and their respective values used with the messages

Example usage:

{{t "BookingNewRequest.Description" "{customerDisplayName} requested to book {listingTitle}
in {marketplaceName}." customerDisplayName=customer.display-name
listingTitle=listing.title marketplaceName=marketplace.name}}

Inline helper that makes it possible to modify the email template texts without making changes in the template code. This helper uses the ICU message format to render messages and parameters into a string.

The helper renders the message corresponding to the key, if the key exists in the email text asset. If the key does not exist, the helper renders the fallback message.

Any hash parameters used inside either message must be wrapped in single curly brackets, and the values for those hash parameters need to be defined after the message key and the fallback message.



  • message


  • list of hash parameters and their respective values used with the messages

Example usage:

{{format-text "{amount,number,::.00} {currency}" amount=money.amount currency=money.currency}}

Inline helper that formats a text string using the ICU message format. This helper works similarly to the t helper, but instead of accepting a message key and a fallback message, it accepts a single string.

Any hash parameters used inside either message must be wrapped in single curly brackets, and the values for those hash parameters need to be defined after the message.



  • collection
  • value

Example usage:

{{#contains collection value}}true{{else}}false{{/contains}}

Block helper that renders the block if collection has the given value, otherwise the else block is rendered (if specified).



  • value
  • test

Example usage:

{{#eq value 1}}true{{else}}false{{/eq}}

Block helper that renders a block if value is equal to test. If an else block is specified it will be rendered when falsy.



  • count
  • singular
  • plural

Example usage:

{{inflect quantity "day" "days"}}

Returns either the singular or plural inflection of a word based on the given count.



  • time


  • format
  • lang: optional, default: "en-US"
  • tz: optional, default "UTC"

Example usage:

{{date d format="d. MMM, YYYY" lang="fi-FI" tz="Europe/Helsinki"}}

Renders a properly localized time based on the format, lang and tz hash parameters.

The format supports Joda-Time formatting.

The lang supports IETF BCP 47 language tag strings. More info about language tags can be found in the W3C Internationalization article for language tags. E.g. "en-US" is a valid string.

The tz supports Joda-Time timezones.



  • time


  • format
  • lang: optional, default en-US
  • tz: optional, default "UTC"

Example usage:

{{date-day-before d format="d. MMM, YYYY" lang="fi-FI" tz="Europe/Helsinki"}}

Renders a properly localized time, one day before the given date, based on the format and lang hash parameters.

The format supports Joda-Time formatting.

The lang supports IETF BCP 47 language tag strings. More info about language tags can be found W3C Internationalization article for language tags. E.g. "en-US" is a valid string.

The tz supports Joda-Time timezones.



  • date


  • days

Example usage:

{{format-text "{date,date,::EE}" date=(date-transform date days=-1)}}

Can be used with the format-text helper to transform a date value to past or future days according to the days hash parameter:

  • negative values for transforming to the past of the date
  • positive values for transforming to the future of the date



  • money


  • lang: optional, default "en-US"

Example usage:

{{money-amount m lang="fi-FI"}}

Takes money and formats the amount according to the currency.

For example:

  • EUR amounts are formatted with 2 decimals
  • JPY amounts are formatted with no decimals

Does not output the currency code or symbol, only the amount.

The lang supports IETF BCP 47 language tag strings. More info about language tags can be found W3C Internationalization article for language tags. E.g. "en-US" is a valid string.



  • number


  • lang: optional, default "en-US"
  • max-fraction-digits: optional
  • min-fraction-digits: optional

Example usage:

{{number n lang="fi-FI"}}

Formats the given number. lang, max-fraction-digits and min-fraction-digits can be given as hash params."

The lang supports IETF BCP 47 language tag strings. More info about language tags can be found W3C Internationalization article for language tags. E.g. "en-US" is a valid string.



  • str

Example usage:

{{url-encode "Share & Tribe"}}

URL encodes the given string. Should be used for encoding all user input. E.g. a link to user profile with the user name in the link should be encoded.



  • str

Example usage:

{{form-encode "Share & Tribe"}}

Encode the given string as application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Should be used for query string components.

Editing email content

For both built-in emails and transaction process emails, you can edit content with the email text editor under Build > Content > Email texts.

Editing built-in emails

The built-in emails can be customized using the Built-in email template editor in the Sharetribe Console. You find the editor in the Console under Build section.

In addition to the code editor that allows you to edit the template, the editor also contains a context viewer that shows you a sample of the context that will be used with that particular email.

The editor also let's you to see a preview of the email before and let's you send test emails to your own email address.

Editing transaction emails

To understand how to change the transaction emails, see the Edit email templates with Sharetribe CLI tutorial.

Transaction email context

Context for transaction emails:

  "recipient": {
    "id": "uuid",
    "first-name": "string",
    "last-name": "string",
    "display-name": "string",
    "private-data": "extended-data",
    "public-data": "extended-data",
    "protected-data": "extended-data",
    "metadata": "extended-data"
  "marketplace": {
    "name": "string",
    "url": "string"
  "recipient-role": "string", // either "provider" or "customer"
  "other-party": {
    "id": "uuid",
    "first-name": "string",
    "last-name": "string",
    "display-name": "string",
    "private-data": "extended-data",
    "public-data": "extended-data",
    "protected-data": "extended-data",
    "metadata": "extended-data"
  "transaction": {
    "id": "uuid",
    "tx-line-items": [
        "code": "string",
        "unit-price": {
          "amount": "decimal",
          "currency": "string"
        } ,
          "amount": "decimal",
          "currency": "string"
        } ,
        "include-for": {"any-of": ["provider", "customer"]},
        "quantity": "decimal",
        "percentage": "decimal"}
    "payout-total": {
      "amount": "decimal",
      "currency": "string"
    "booking": {
      "start": "date",
      "end": "date",
      "displayStart": "date",
      "displayEnd": "date",
      "seats": "integer",
      "state": "string"
    "stock-reservation": {
      "quantity": "integer",
      "state": "string"
    "reviews": [
        "content": "string",
        "subject": {
          "id": "uuid",
          "first-name": "string",
          "last-name": "string",
          "display-name": "string",
          "private-data": "extended-data",
          "public-data": "extended-data",
          "protected-data": "extended-data",
          "metadata": "extended-data"
    "provider": {
      "id": "uuid",
      "first-name": "string",
      "last-name": "string",
      "display-name": "string",
      "private-data": "extended-data",
      "public-data": "extended-data",
      "protected-data": "extended-data",
      "metadata": "extended-data"
    "payin-total": {
      "amount": "decimal",
      "currency": "string"
    "listing": {
      "id": "uuid",
      "title": "string,"
      "availability-plan": {
        "type": "string", // either availability-plan/time or availability-plan/day
        "timezone": "string"
      "current-stock": {
        "quantity": "integer"
      "private-data": "extended-data",
      "public-data": "extended-data",
      "metadata": "extended-data"
    "customer": {
      "id": "uuid",
      "first-name": "string",
      "last-name": "string",
      "display-name": "string",
      "private-data": "extended-data",
      "public-data": "extended-data",
      "protected-data": "extended-data",
      "metadata": "extended-data"
    "delayed-transition": {
      "run-at": "date"
    "protected-data": "extended-data",
    "metadata": "extended-data"

Inside the templates there are number of properties that you can utilize when customizing the templates. What properties are available is email specific and the following data structure describes what resources are available for each email template.

How to read the data structure

  • The type and content of the property can be deducted from the value of the property. E.g. {"marketplace": {"name": "string", "url": "string"}, is an object with properties name and url that are strings.
  • An object with property "any-of" describe an array of elements. For example, {"any-of": ["customer", "provider"]} is an array containing one of the values or both.
  • Properties of type "date" define a date object with properties "year", "month", "day", "hours", "minutes", "seconds" and "milliseconds". It's higly recommended that you use the available helpers described above to display dates.
  • Objects with the exact two propeties of "amount" and "currency" are of type money, and can be passed as is to money-amount helper.
  • Properties of type "extended-data" define an extended data object. Properties in such an object can have any valid JSON values, including JSON data structures.
  • The listing availability-plan property timezone is in TZ time zone database format, for example "Europe/Berlin". It is only available for plans with type availability-plan/time.
  • Remember to traverse the context properly. For example, in "transaction-transition" "payin-total" is nested under "transaction". This means that the correct way to refer to that is transaction.payin-total or using the builtin with helper.