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Customization checklist

This article provides a reference list of common customisations to aid you in development.

Table of Contents

The Sharetribe Web Template provides a great starting point for developing your marketplace. This article provides a reference list of articles and guides you can use when you start customising your marketplace's visual appearance, content and configurations.

Visual appearance

You can edit the default styles of the template via the branding tab in Console. For more advanced changes you can:

Content and marketplace texts

In addition to customizing the default styles of your marketplace, it is also important to change the content and marketplace texts to reflect your brand and messaging. There are several places where you can edit the content and copy texts in your marketplace:


The configuration file of your marketplace template is a valuable resource that allows you to easily adjust a wide range of options in your marketplace. Configuration files can be found in the src/config directory. Before you begin modifying the configuration files, it is important to ensure that you have properly configured any environment variables that your marketplace uses. These variables are typically used to store sensitive information such as API keys, and must be set up correctly in order for your marketplace to function properly.

  • Configure your environment variables. You can also run yarn run config in the root directory of the template, which will walk you through the setup process.
  • Go through the configuration files of your marketplace following this guide

Other optional changes

In addition to customizing the default styles, content and copy texts, and configuration options of your marketplace, there are a number of other changes you may want to make. Some of these options include: