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File and directory structure
How code is organised in the template
Table of Contents
How Code in the Web Template is Organized
All front-end or client side code is located in the src directory and all server side code is located under the server directory. You will also see a public, scripts and patches folder which include utility code and static assets used elsewhere in the codebase.
├── build
├── ext
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── patches
├── public
├── scripts
├── server
├── src
└── yarn.lock
src directory
├── analytics
├── app.js
├── app.node.test.js
├── app.test.js
├── assets
├── components
├── config
├── containers
├── context
├── ducks
├── examples.js
├── index.js
├── reducers.js
├── routing
├── store.js
├── styles
├── transactions
├── translations
└── util
The bulk of the functional code is split between the containers and components directories. We have all presentational components located in a directory called “components”. These components are presentational in the sense that they don’t make any API calls, they’re modular and they are used in multiple containers throughout the application.
Containers, on the other hand, are components that aren’t modular. They usually represent a specific page in the marketplace application. Containers are connected to the Redux store, and are responsible for updating and dispatching actions to Redux state. Within the container directory you will also find a .duck.js file which contains the logic of how the container interacts with the Redux store.
See here for an example of how to create a new container:
The template contains a small Node.js server, which is used for
server-side rendering and making API calls via a secure context. All
server side code is located in the /server directory. Keep in mind that
when running the web-template locally, the command yarn run dev
run the server and the client application in different ports. The client
will run in port :3000 and the server in :3500. When running the
yarn run dev-server
command, the server will run in the same port as
the client :4000. This is to enable hot-module reloading when using the
yarn run dev-server
├── api
├── api-util
├── apiRouter.js
├── apiServer.js
├── auth.js
├── csp.js
├── dataLoader.js
├── env.js
├── importer.js
├── index.js
├── log.js
├── renderer.js
├── resources
└── wellKnownRouter.js
Simple example: create a new server-side endpoint
Create a new file under server > api and name it my-new-endpoint.js
module.exports = (req, res) => {
res.status(200).json({ test: 'data' });
In apiRouter.js:
import const myNewEndpoint = require('./api/my-new-endpoint');
// And define a new endpoint:
router.get('/my-new-endpoint', transitionPrivileged);
Define a new get helper in api.js
const get = (path, body, options = {}) => {
const requestOptions = {
method: methods.GET,
return request(path, requestOptions);
Add the following in api.js in client:
export const myNewEndpoint = body => {
return get('/api/my-new-endpoint', body);
Start your server using yarn run dev
and you can now call it via a
CURL call:
curl -i -X GET http://localhost:3500/api/my-new-endpoint
And it’ll return:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Express
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost:3000
Vary: Origin
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 15
ETag: W/"f-qRT4fqjUp2+H1CuYeqacbJItQk0"
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 19:11:47 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Keep-Alive: timeout=5