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Bundled marketplace texts

This guide describes what bundled marketplace texts are, and how to make changes to them.

Table of Contents

The Sharetribe Web Template supports having a single language for the UI. Supported languages are English, French and Spanish, English being used by default. For information about changing the language, see the Changing the language article.

We use the React Intl library to represent UI marketplace texts and to format dates, numbers, and money values.

In addition to bundled marketplace texts, Sharetribe allows modifying marketplace texts through the Sharetribe Console:

The marketplace text file

All the bundled marketplace texts can be found in the src/translations/en.json file. The marketplace text data is formatted as one JSON object with all the marketplace text key-value pairs as properties.

The key - value syntax is as follows:

"<component name>.<marketplace text key>": "<message>"

For example:

"ManageListingCard.viewListing": "View listing"

The keys are namespaced to the corresponding component. This is aligned with the component driven paradigm that the application follows. It might introduce duplication with same messages occurring multiple times in the marketplace text file. On the other hand, it also emphasizes how all the components are independent, how a component can be used anywhere, and how modifications to a single component do not affect other components.

Using marketplace texts

React Intl provides multiple ways to access the marketplace text data, but the most commonly used are the formatMessage function and the FormattedMessage tag provided by React Intl.

To use the formatMessage function, component needs to be wrapped with the injectIntl function which provides a render prop called intl. intl then provides all the React Intl translation functions, like formatMessage:

import { intlShape, injectIntl } from 'react-intl';

const SomeComponent = props => {
  const { intl } = props;

  const translation = intl.formatMessage({
    id: 'SomeComponent.someKey',

  // ...

SomeComponent.propTypes = {
  // from injectIntl
  intl: intlShape.isRequired,

export default injectIntl(SomeComponent);

As for the FormattedMessage it just needs to be imported from react-intl and it takes the id prop:

<FormattedMessage id="SomeComponent.someKey" />

Other functions and componets can be explored in the React Intl documentation.


React Intl uses the FormatJS formatters for shaping the messages based on given arguments. Here are a few examples on how to use FormatJS.


Pass a named argument to the format function/component. For the following message:

"EnquiryForm.messageLabel": "Message to {authorDisplayName}",

Pass the author data in the FormattedMessage component:

  values={{ authorDisplayName: 'Jane D' }}

Or the the formatMessage function:

  { id: 'EnquiryForm.messageLabel' },
  { authorDisplayName: 'Jane D' }


With pluralization, a message can be formatted to adapt to a number argument.

  "You have {count} {count, plural, one {listing} other {listings}}",

This message takes the count argument and uses the plural, one and other keywords to format the last word of the message to be listing or listings based on the count. The pluralized message can be used with the FormattedMessage component:

  values={{ count: 3 }}

Or with the formatMessage function:

  { id: 'ManageListingsPage.youHaveListings' },
  { count: 1 }

Select an option

If you have two or more options that the message needs to show depending on another argument, you can use the select keyword to pass the necessary information to the message.

When you use select in the message, you will need to specify

  • the variable determining which option to use (here: mode)
  • the pattern we are following (here: select)
  • the options matching each alternative you want to specify (here: class – there could be several options specified)
  • an other option that gets used when none of the specified alternatives matches
 "BookingBreakdown.description": "{mode, select, day {You are booking the following days:} night {You are booking the following nights:} other {You are booking the following {unitType}:}}"

You can then use the message in the code with the formatMessage function:

// mode: the types of bookings or products available
// on the listing page, e.g. class, package, day, night
const mode = 'class';
const unitType = 'yoga class'
// For { mode: 'class', unitType: 'yoga class' },
// the message will read "You are booking the following yoga class.".
const description = intl.formatMessage(
  { id="BookingBreakdown.description" },
  { mode, unitType }

You can also use the message with the FormatMessage component

  values={{ mode: 'day' }}

More formatting examples can be found from the FormatJS message syntax documentation.