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Enable Mapbox

By default, the template uses Mapbox for showing interactive maps. This guide will help you create a Mapbox account and assign the access token to an environment variable.

Table of Contents

Generate a Mapbox access token

Sign up to Mapbox and go to the account page. Then copy the Default public token.

If you wish to create a new one, click + Create a token, give it a name and make sure all Public scopes are selected. Create the token and copy its value.

You can make access tokens in your web applications more secure by adding URL restrictions. When you add a URL restriction to a token, that token will only work for requests that originate from the URLs you specify. See the Mapbox documentation for URL restrictions.

Assign the access token to an environment variable

The template uses the REACT_APP_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable for the token value. For local development, you can add the variable in the gitignored .env file in the project root:


Further reading

Once you have enabled maps in your marketplace using your chosen map provider, you can change the map's configuration settings. These options allow you to change things like the default search locations and restrict location search to specific countries. Refer to the map configurations article to learn more about the specific configurations you can adjust for maps in your marketplace.