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Logging errors with Sentry

This guide documents how to use Sentry to log errors in the Sharetribe Web Template

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The Sharetribe Web Template supports error logging with Sentry out of the box, provided that the required environment variables are set in place. Other logging solutions can also be used but the Sentry client comes already strapped into application.

Configure the Sentry DSN variable

To enable the Sentry error logging a Data Source Name (DSN), has to be provided as an environment variable. The browser and Node environments both use the same REACT_APP_SENTRY_DSN variable.

You can acquire the DNS key from your Sentry project settings. To test it in your local environment, you can either assign it to the REACT_APP_SENTRY_DSN environment variable through the .env file or when running the yarn run dev-server command:

REACT_APP_SENTRY_DSN='<sentry-dsn>'  yarn run dev-server

The template will log all errors to the console if you do not configure the Sentry DNS key. You can find all code associated with error logging and Sentry in src/util/log.js

Configure logging with basic access authentication

By default, Sentry fetches the source maps for minified javascript files. However, that might not work if authentication, such as basic access authentication, is enabled. If you want to enable logging to Sentry while having basic access authentication enabled, you can pass Sentry a security token. Sentry then adds this token to the source maps request header, which allows the server to let those requests access the source maps.

To enable logging while having basic access authentication enabled, you can configure the security token in the Sentry dashboard by navigating to:

Project > Settings > General > Client Security

Set the following values:

  • Security token - Basic <your username:password in Base 64>
  • Security token header - Authorization