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Sitemap in Sharetribe Web Template
This guide describes how the default sitemap works in the Sharetribe Web Template, and how to customise it.
Table of Contents
Your marketplace's sitemap helps search engines to process the correct information on your marketplace. The Sharetribe Web Template has built-in support for creating a sitemap (introduced in this change set), and this article gives you some context into how sitemap generating works in the template.
Template sitemap structure
By default, the template generates several files related to the sitemap. When running the template locally with yarn run dev, you can find these routes on the dev server port, i.e. localhost:3500.
You can read more about the template sitemap and other resources in the Resources README.
The [your-domain]/robots.txt file details the authenticated routes as disallowed for crawlers, and exposes the URL to the main sitemap. If you custom develop routes that require authentication, it is a good idea to specify them here.
The [your-domain]/sitemap-index.xml file further exposes three separate sub-sitemaps. This is useful because it allows you more detailed tracking in analytics tools, and it reduces the size of each individual sitemap.
The index and the sub-sitemaps are generated in server/resources/sitemap.js.
The [your-domain]/sitemap-default.xml file includes your marketplace's public built-in pages.
It also includes the landing page, the terms of service page, and the privacy policy page – these pages have specified paths in the default template, even though their content is fetched from assets.
If you add public custom paths to your template, remember to add them in this sitemap as well. You can also add sitemap entries for some of your key searches, e.g.
const defaultPublicPaths = {
landingPage: { url: '/' },
termsOfService: { url: '/terms-of-service' },
privacyPolicy: { url: '/privacy-policy' },
signup: { url: '/signup' },
login: { url: '/login' },
search: { url: '/s' },
+ searchMountainBikes: { url: '/s?pub_category=mountainBike' }
The [your-domain]/sitemap-recent-listings.xml file shows the URLs for your marketplace's most recently created listings. The listing data is fetched from the sdk.sitemapData.queryListings() endpoint, and the endpoint returns the 10 000 most recent public listings.
The recent listing ids are mapped to the template's default canonical listing URLs. If you make changes to the listing canonical URL structure, be sure to make the corresponding changes to this sitemap as well.
The [your-domain]/sitemap-recent-pages.xml file shows the URLs for your marketplace's asset-based pages that are shown in [your-domain]/p/:pathId. The page information is fetched using the sdk.sitemapData.queryAssets() endpoint.
The default logic filters out the pages that have custom paths: landing page, terms of service, and privacy policy. If you add public permanent paths for asset-based pages to your template and your sitemap-default.xml file, be sure to filter them out of the SDK result set in server/resources/sitemap.js
Sitemap caching
The template caches sitemap data for one day by default. In addition, the sitemap API endpoints cache results for one day. This means that when using the template, the combined cache effect can be up to two days.
Especially on bigger sites with multiple listings, listing sitemap data can take up to a few seconds to fetch from the SDK. Caching the results improves the sitemap performance.
Adding your sitemap to Google
To add your sitemap on Google, you should add Google site verification through Sharetribe Console. After that, you can add your sitemap index to Google Search Console. That way, your site gets indexed immediately, and you don't need to wait for it to be discovered by bots. You can read more detailed instructions in Google's own documentation.