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Over the course of the tutorial, you will learn how to build a marketplace using the Sharetribe Web Template

Table of Contents

The goal of this developer tutorial is to help you customise your marketplace using the Sharetribe Web Template. You will learn how to set up a custom app for your marketplace, and how to start working on development using the Sharetribe Web Template.

What are we building?

In this tutorial, we will continue modifying your Biketribe marketplace that you configured in the no-code tutorial. We will start editing the Sharetribe Web Template, and add custom development features to Biketribe.

The first part of this developer tutorial focuses on installing the template, copying no-code changes from Test to Dev, making minor changes to the template styles, and deploying a development environment. The second part dives deeper into modifying the listing creation process, and the third part focuses on editing the transaction process.

Background knowledge

The first part of the developer tutorial is accessible even if you are brand new to web development. Parts two and three increase in difficulty, and it helps to have some background in web development.

Before you start working on the tutorial, it's good to understand a few key concepts (a general understanding of the fundamentals should suffice, and you'll learn a lot throughout the tutorial).

  • The Sharetribe Web Template: a template aimed as a starting point for developing your marketplace application on top of Sharetribe's APIs. The template provides you with a fully functional marketplace out of the box.

  • Custom marketplace app: an instance of the Sharetribe Web Template that you host in the hosting environment of your choice (e.g. Heroku or Render), allowing you to customise and manage the code base freely.

  • Headless: the marketplace client app is decoupled from the marketplace backend. The client communicates with the backend via API. You can manage configurations, assets and pages in Console, and your client can access them using the Asset Delivery API.

  • Marketplace environment: There are three marketplace environments: Test, Development, and Live (you can find these in Console). You can use the development environment to develop and test your marketplace. In the no-code tutorial, you made your changes in your Test environment, and you can keep using it to preview your no-code changes. Your Live marketplace is home to your actual live marketplace.

  • Sharetribe CLI: A command line tool that you can use to change your marketplace's advanced configurations, such as transaction processes and email templates

Before starting the tutorial

Before continuing to the first part of this technical tutorial, complete the Getting Started Guide. This guide will walk you through installing the template and setting up your local development environment.

We also recommend that you create a GitHub repository for your new marketplace. Using a GitHub repository allows you to keep track of changes made to your code over time, making it easier to revert to previous versions or compare different versions of your code. It also enables collaboration among multiple developers working on the same project, and provides a backup of your code in the cloud.

To create a GitHub repository, you will need to:

  1. Create a Github repository.

  2. On the command line, check your remote repositories:

    git remote -v

    It should print this:

    origin  https://github.com/sharetribe/web-template.git (fetch)
    origin  https://github.com/sharetribe/web-template.git (push)
  3. Rename the Sharetribe Web Template repository (current 'origin') as 'upstream'

    git remote rename origin upstream

    Check your remote repositories:

    git remote -v

    It should print this:

    upstream  https://github.com/sharetribe/web-template.git (fetch)
    upstream  https://github.com/sharetribe/web-template.git (push)
  4. Add your newly created repository as 'origin':

    git remote add origin https://github.com/<your-github-account>/<the-name-of-your-new-repo>.git

    Check your remote repositories:

    git remote -v

    It should print something like this:

    origin  https://github.com/<your-github-account>/<the-name-of-your-new-repo>.git (fetch)
    origin  https://github.com/<your-github-account>/<the-name-of-your-new-repo>.git (push)
    upstream  https://github.com/sharetribe/web-template.git (fetch)
    upstream  https://github.com/sharetribe/web-template.git (push)
  5. Push an existing repository from the command line

    git push -u origin main

Now you are ready to make code changes and save them to Github!

The first part of this tutorial starts with copying your no-code changes from Test to Dev.
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